Arcosanti is a city in the Arizona desert that’s been under construction since the late 1960s. The town was founded by Italian architect Paolo Soleri, who had a vision for a sustainable city that would live in balance with the environment. He called it arcology, a portmanteau of “architecture” and “ecology.” Arcosanti is built on a 25-acre plot of land, but Soleri had plans to expand it to 4,000 acres. So far, only about 100 people live there (mostly hippies), but Soleri always said that it would take generations to complete his vision. In the meantime, Arcosanti is a fascinating place to visit. The buildings are made from recycled materials and are designed to be energy-efficient. There are also workshops and classes on a variety of topics, including architecture, ecology, and sustainable living. If you’re looking for a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience, Arcosanti is definitely worth a visit. Just be prepared to meet some hippies.